Welcome to the Geek Sanctuary

You are looking at a very old, and tired site. It's about time it had some TLC.  Are you a lost geek, fed up with trying to carry the burden of being thrown into the limelight of fashion?  Are you bemused by your sudden "it" status because all those skills you learnt to keep yourself locked away in rooms of flashing lights are suddenly thrusting you before the masses as the hero of the hour?  Does the limelight have you diving for the cover of the sofa, to hide behind your heaviest tech manual?  If so - take heart.  The Geek Sanctuary is coming.

It has taken 13 years, (the first year just to find a home), then a decade to gather our wits.  (Being True Geeks ® ourselves, having the wits was not the difficulty.  Focussing them was.  There's just so much neat stuff to distract a geek.)

This site is STILL in the throes of development.  Since origination, someone else cottoned on to the idea and set up under a geeksanctuary.com, but then fell by the way side.  The ORIGINAL Geek Sanctuary is still here, and under contruction.  The builders have been taking a ten year tea break, but they are back in.  Trouble is they seem to have forgotten the door.  We're currently trying to knock out a wall.  We will be with you soon.

In the meantime, you might like to try a small, but soon to grow line of merchandise at Cafe Press.

This site concept and content copyright © of Gulraj Rijhwani 2000..2012.

Gulraj Rijhwani   <ubergeek@geeksanctuary.org>,
Page created: June 23, 2000  Page last modified: July 4, 2012